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Webové odkazy komerčné

Najnovší užívatelia

  • semanp
  • Williampuse
  • Felixclins
  • Jasonwhoxy
  • dfnfdxtnsrtn


Rok 2001 (21)
Rok 2001
Number of images in category: 21
Category Viewed: 9402x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2002 (7)
Rok 2002
Number of images in category: 7
Category Viewed: 8638x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2003 (23)
Rok 2003
Number of images in category: 23
Category Viewed: 9442x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2004 (18)
Rok 2004
Number of images in category: 18
Category Viewed: 9484x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2005 (10)
Rok 2005
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 9319x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2006 (25)
Rok 2006
Number of images in category: 25
Category Viewed: 11136x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2007 (31)
Rok 2007
Number of images in category: 31
Category Viewed: 9159x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2008 (9)
Rok 2008
Number of images in category: 9
Category Viewed: 9166x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2009 (22)
Rok 2009
Number of images in category: 22
Category Viewed: 9412x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2010 (51)
Rok 2010
Number of images in category: 51
Category Viewed: 9921x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Nový ikonostas (28)
Rok 2011 - Nový ikonostas
Number of images in category: 28
Category Viewed: 9722x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2011 Mix (50)
Rok 2011 - Rok 2011 Mix
Number of images in category: 50
Category Viewed: 6604x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Obraz Božieho milosrdenstva (10)
Rok 2012 - Obraz Božieho milosrdenstva
Number of images in category: 10
Category Viewed: 11232x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Návšteva z Poľska (34)
Rok 2012 - Návšteva z Poľska
Number of images in category: 34
Category Viewed: 8452x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Posviacka ikonostasu (105)
Rok 2012 - Posviacka ikonostasu
Number of images in category: 105
Category Viewed: 16347x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Prve sv. prijimanie (30)
Rok 2012 - Prve sv. prijimanie
Number of images in category: 30
Category Viewed: 9847x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Púť matiek Sabinov (58)
Rok 2012 - Púť matiek Sabinov
Number of images in category: 58
Category Viewed: 12438x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Relikvia sv, Cyrila (33)
Rok 2012 - Relikvia sv, Cyrila
Number of images in category: 33
Category Viewed: 8035x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rusnacky ples (117)
Rok 2012 - Rusnacky ples
Number of images in category: 117
Category Viewed: 21700x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Zabijacka (97)
Rok 2012 - Zabijacka
Number of images in category: 97
Category Viewed: 14864x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Živa križová cesta (52)
Rok 2012 - Živa križová cesta
Number of images in category: 52
Category Viewed: 12600x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Mikulaš (118)
Rok 2012 - Mikulaš
Number of images in category: 118
Category Viewed: 17027x
Rating: 5 / 1 vote
Jasličková pobožnosť (78)
Rok 2012 - Jasličková pobožnosť
Number of images in category: 78
Category Viewed: 12308x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2012 Mix (38)
Rok 2012 - Rok 2012 Mix
Number of images in category: 38
Category Viewed: 8300x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Zabijačka (105)
Rok 2013 - Zabijačka



Number of images in category: 105
Category Viewed: 16364x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rusnácky ples (261)
Rok 2013 - Rusnácky ples

Rusnácky ples 02.02.2013


Hlasuj za najsympatickejší pár Rusnáckeho plesu.
Najvyšší rating získava poukaz na fotenie.


Author: admin
Number of images in category: 261
Category Viewed: 26280x
Rating: 1 / 1 vote
Rekonštrukcia Chrámu (14)
Rok 2013 - Rekonštrukcia Chrámu



Number of images in category: 14
Category Viewed: 7484x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Vysviacka biskupa Milana Lacha (23)
Rok 2013 - Vysviacka biskupa Milana Lacha
Author: admin
Number of images in category: 23
Category Viewed: 7017x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Mikuláš 2013 (159)
Rok 2013 - Mikuláš 2013
Number of images in category: 159
Category Viewed: 15672x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Odpustová slávnosť (56)
Rok 2013 - Odpustová slávnosť


Number of images in category: 56
Category Viewed: 11435x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Gospelový Koncert 2013 (48)
Rok 2013 - Gospelový Koncert 2013

Skupina: Hmla a Anastasis.



Number of images in category: 48
Category Viewed: 7878x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Pochod za život Košice 2013 (30)
Rok 2013 - Pochod za život Košice 2013



Author: admin
Number of images in category: 30
Category Viewed: 7388x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Fatimská Sobota (41)
Rok 2013 - Fatimská Sobota

Fatmská sobota Lutina.



Number of images in category: 41
Category Viewed: 7787x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rok 2013 Mix (29)
Rok 2013 - Rok 2013 Mix
Number of images in category: 29
Category Viewed: 7503x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Zabíjačka 2014 (85)
Rok 2014 - Zabíjačka 2014
Number of images in category: 85
Category Viewed: 10248x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rusnacky ples 6.ročník 2014 (377)
Rok 2014 - Rusnacky ples  6.ročník 2014

Galéria je kompletna!


Number of images in category: 377
Category Viewed: 25416x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Prešov za život (40)
Rok 2014 - Prešov za život
Number of images in category: 40
Category Viewed: 6829x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Živá krížová cesta (142)
Rok 2014 - Živá krížová cesta
Number of images in category: 142
Category Viewed: 10878x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Nedeľa Paschy (20)
Rok 2014 - Nedeľa Paschy
Number of images in category: 20
Category Viewed: 7088x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Prvé sv. prijímanie 2014 (22)
Rok 2014 - Prvé sv. prijímanie 2014
Number of images in category: 22
Category Viewed: 7215x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Púť rodin v Hanušovciach (129)
Rok 2014 - Púť rodin v Hanušovciach
Number of images in category: 129
Category Viewed: 10841x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
V kruhu rodiny (127)
Rok 2014 - V kruhu rodiny
Number of images in category: 127
Category Viewed: 25330x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Odpustová slávnosť (17)
Rok 2014 - Odpustová slávnosť
Number of images in category: 17
Category Viewed: 7023x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Rusnácky ples 2015 (259)
Rok 2015 - Rusnácky ples 2015
Number of images in category: 259
Category Viewed: 21983x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Zabíjačka 2015 (157)
Rok 2015 - Zabíjačka 2015
Number of images in category: 157
Category Viewed: 15418x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Veľka noc 2015 (19)
Rok 2015 - Veľka noc 2015
Number of images in category: 19
Category Viewed: 6272x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Spomienkové stretnutie (45)
Rok 2015 - Spomienkové stretnutie

Pri príležitosti 65. výročia likvidácie Gréckokatolíckej cirkvi na Slovensku


Number of images in category: 45
Category Viewed: 6067x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Odpust vo vynovenom chráme (33)
Rok 2015 - Odpust vo vynovenom chráme
Number of images in category: 33
Category Viewed: 6452x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Výstavba Cerkvi Bystré 2015 (62)
Rok 2015 - Výstavba Cerkvi Bystré 2015
Number of images in category: 62
Category Viewed: 12337x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Karneval 2016 (65)
Rok 2016 - Karneval 2016
Number of images in category: 65
Category Viewed: 10941x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
Ples Hanušovce 2 2016 (114)
Rok 2016 - Ples Hanušovce 2 2016
Number of images in category: 114
Category Viewed: 14396x
Rating: 0 / 0 vote
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